Posted by on April 24, 2016

There is nothing more exciting than spring; it is like watching the earth coming back to life! To celebrate it, this past week we revamped our menu to pair with the season, Spring is finally here and before you notice we will have beautiful summer days! Fresh ingredients are readily available… But not for long… enjoy fiddleheads, ramps, dandelions, smelts, fava beans, asparagus, Meyer lemons and more while they last or preserve them for future use!

Here is a taste of the new menu:

Risotto Cacio e Peppe: Carnaroli rice, Parmesan broth, black pepper soil, spring garden.

Scaloppine di Vitello al limone: Provimi Veal scaloppine, preserved Meyer lemons, purple potatoes, peas, fava beans, asparagus, spring carrots, fried sage.

Frutti di  di mare alla grigia con panzanella: Grilled black tiger shrimp, bay scallops, calamari, tuna, mussels, clams, salmoriglio, panzanella salad.

Tonno in padella: Pink pepper crusted tuna, chickpeas, peperonata, polenta, balsamic.

Here is the presentation of the menu to our great staff!

Enjoy the flavours of the season, and happy Cooking!!!

Posted in: NEWS